PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges

A. Deuter, A. Otte, in: J. Stark (Ed.), Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024, pp. 215–231.

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The topic of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) should be nowadays part of any engineering degree course in every university worldwide. In an increasingly digital and connected world, students and prospective engineers need to know the interrelationships of holistic product development. Excellent expertise in a discipline such as mechanical engineering is still necessary, but no longer sufficient. This article explains why this is the case and what universities can do to address this issue. It describes in detail the PLM course of the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts located in Lemgo, Germany. In addition, suggestions are made on how to improve the course content, based on many years of experience. As such, this article is a valuable source of information for anyone teaching PLM today or intending to do so in the future.
Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies


Deuter A, Otte A. PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges. In: Stark J, ed. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies. Decision Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland; 2024:215-231. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-53521-5_14
Deuter, A., & Otte, A. (2024). PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges. In J. Stark (Ed.), Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies (pp. 215–231). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Deuter A and Otte A (2024) PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges. In Stark J (ed.), Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 215–231.
Deuter, Andreas, and Andreas Otte. “PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges.” In Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, edited by John Stark, 215–31. Decision Engineering. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Deuter, Andreas und Andreas Otte. 2024. PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges. In: Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, hg. von John Stark, 215–231. Decision Engineering. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-53521-5_14, .
Deuter, Andreas ; Otte, Andreas: PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges. In: Stark, J. (Hrsg.): Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, Decision Engineering. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, S. 215–231
A. Deuter, A. Otte, PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges, in: J. Stark (Ed.), Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024: pp. 215–231.
A. Deuter and A. Otte, “PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges,” in Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, J. Stark, Ed. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp. 215–231. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-53521-5_14.
Deuter, Andreas, and Andreas Otte. “PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges.” Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, edited by John Stark, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp. 215–31,
Deuter, Andreas/Otte, Andreas: PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges, in: Stark, John (Hg.): Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies, Cham 2024 (Decision Engineering),  S. 215–231.
Deuter A, Otte A. PLM in Engineering Education: Purpose and Challenges. In: Stark J, editor. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6) : Increasing the Value of PLM with Innovative New Technologies. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2024. p. 215–31. (Decision Engineering).


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