{"publication_status":"published","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1380-3204"]},"_id":"11285","volume":66,"year":"2022","intvolume":" 66","alternative_title":["Modern Plastic Heritage"],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement ","editor":[{"orcid":"0000-0002-8594-3168","full_name":"Pottgiesser, Uta","id":"27166","first_name":"Uta","last_name":"Pottgiesser"},{"full_name":"Qiust, Wido","last_name":"Qiust","first_name":"Wido"}],"date_created":"2024-03-25T08:01:28Z","user_id":"83781","date_updated":"2024-03-25T08:01:36Z","status":"public","publisher":"University of Technology","type":"journal_editor","citation":{"chicago-de":"Pottgiesser, Uta und Wido Qiust, Hrsg. 2022. Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Bd. 66. University of Technology.","van":"Pottgiesser U, Qiust W, editors. Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Vol. 66. University of Technology; 2022.","ama":"Pottgiesser U, Qiust W, eds. Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Vol 66. University of Technology; 2022.","din1505-2-1":"Pottgiesser, U. ; Qiust, W. (Hrsg.): Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Bd. 66 : University of Technology, 2022","ieee":"U. Pottgiesser and W. Qiust, Eds., Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , vol. 66. University of Technology, 2022.","mla":"Pottgiesser, Uta, and Wido Qiust, editors. Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . University of Technology, 2022.","ufg":"Pottgiesser, Uta/Qiust, Wido: Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , Bd. 66, o. O. 2022.","apa":"Pottgiesser, U., & Qiust, W. (Eds.). (2022). Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement (Vol. 66). University of Technology.","bjps":"Pottgiesser U and Qiust W (eds) (2022) Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . University of Technology.","chicago":"Pottgiesser, Uta, and Wido Qiust, eds. Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Vol. 66. University of Technology, 2022.","short":"U. Pottgiesser, W. Qiust, eds., Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , University of Technology, 2022.","havard":"U. Pottgiesser, W. Qiust, eds., Journal / DOCOMOMO, International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , University of Technology, 2022."},"department":[{"_id":"DEP1620"}]}