{"date_created":"2024-03-19T11:11:04Z","date_updated":"2024-03-25T08:29:04Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Body Space","editor":[{"first_name":"Vladan ","last_name":"Đokić","full_name":"Đokić, Vladan "},{"first_name":"Michel","last_name":"Melenhorst","full_name":"Melenhorst, Michel","id":"51438"},{"first_name":"Eric","last_name":"de Leeuw","full_name":"de Leeuw, Eric"}],"citation":{"van":"Đokić V, Melenhorst M, de Leeuw E, editors. Body Space. Vol. 14,   Serbian architectural journal : SAJ / University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy ; 2022.","ama":"Đokić V, Melenhorst M, de Leeuw E, eds. Body Space. Vol 14. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy ; 2022.","din1505-2-1":"Đokić, V. ; Melenhorst, M. ; de Leeuw, E. (Hrsg.): Body Space. Bd. 14 : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy , 2022","chicago-de":"Đokić, Vladan , Michel Melenhorst und Eric de Leeuw, Hrsg. 2022. Body Space.   Serbian architectural journal : SAJ / University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy. Bd. 14. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy .","ufg":"Đokić, Vladan/Melenhorst, Michel/Leeuw, Eric de: Body Space, Bd. 14, o. O. 2022.","bjps":"Đokić V, Melenhorst M and de Leeuw E (eds) (2022) Body Space. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy .","apa":"Body Space. (2022). In V. Đokić, M. Melenhorst, & E. de Leeuw (Eds.),   Serbian architectural journal : SAJ / University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy (Vol. 14, Issue 3). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy .","short":"V. Đokić, M. Melenhorst, E. de Leeuw, eds., Body Space, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy , 2022.","chicago":"Đokić, Vladan , Michel Melenhorst, and Eric de Leeuw, eds. Body Space.   Serbian Architectural Journal : SAJ / University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy. Vol. 14. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy , 2022.","havard":"V. Đokić, M. Melenhorst, E. de Leeuw, eds., Body Space, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy , 2022.","ieee":"V. Đokić, M. Melenhorst, and E. de Leeuw, Eds., Body Space, vol. 14, no. 3. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy , 2022.","mla":"Đokić, Vladan, et al., editors. “Body Space.”   Serbian Architectural Journal : SAJ / University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy, vol. 14, no. 3, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy , 2022."},"type":"journal_editor","status":"public","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://saj-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SAJ-14_3_Online.pdf","open_access":"1"}],"quality_controlled":"1","publication_status":"published","year":"2022","_id":"11240","intvolume":" 14","has_accepted_license":"1","user_id":"83781","publisher":" University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy ","department":[{"_id":"DEP1600"},{"_id":"DEP1032"}],"ddc":["720"],"issue":"3","publication":" Serbian architectural journal : SAJ / University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture; The Centre of Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy","publication_identifier":{"eissn":["2976-7350 "],"issn":["1821-3952"]},"oa":"1","volume":14}