{"publication_status":"published","_id":"11219","year":"2003","intvolume":" 91","date_updated":"2024-06-26T13:53:59Z","date_created":"2024-03-16T19:09:05Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses","citation":{"havard":"C. Cramer, S. Brunklaus, Y. Gao, New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses, Physical Review Letters. 91 (2003) 266601.","ufg":"Cramer, Cornelia/Brunklaus, Sabine/Gao, Young: New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses, in: Physical review letters 91 (2003), H. 26,  S. 266601.","apa":"Cramer, C., Brunklaus, S., & Gao, Y. (2003). New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses. Physical Review Letters, 91(26), 266601. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601","bjps":"Cramer C, Brunklaus S and Gao Y (2003) New Mixed Alkali Effect in the Ac Conductivity of Ion-Conducting Glasses. Physical review letters 91, 266601.","chicago":"Cramer, Cornelia, Sabine Brunklaus, and Young Gao. “New Mixed Alkali Effect in the Ac Conductivity of Ion-Conducting Glasses.” Physical Review Letters 91, no. 26 (2003): 266601. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601.","short":"C. Cramer, S. Brunklaus, Y. Gao, Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 266601.","mla":"Cramer, Cornelia, et al. “New Mixed Alkali Effect in the Ac Conductivity of Ion-Conducting Glasses.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 91, no. 26, 2003, p. 266601, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601.","ieee":"C. Cramer, S. Brunklaus, and Y. Gao, “New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses,” Physical review letters, vol. 91, no. 26, p. 266601, 2003, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601.","din1505-2-1":"Cramer, Cornelia ; Brunklaus, Sabine ; Gao, Young: New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses. In: Physical review letters Bd. 91. Ridge, NY, American Physical Society (2003), Nr. 26, S. 266601","ama":"Cramer C, Brunklaus S, Gao Y. New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses. Physical review letters. 2003;91(26):266601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601","van":"Cramer C, Brunklaus S, Gao Y. New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses. Physical review letters. 2003;91(26):266601.","chicago-de":"Cramer, Cornelia, Sabine Brunklaus und Young Gao. 2003. New mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity of ion-conducting glasses. Physical review letters 91, Nr. 26: 266601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601, ."},"type":"scientific_journal_article","place":"Ridge, NY","status":"public","publication":"Physical review letters","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0031-9007 "],"eissn":["1079-7114"]},"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"We have determined the first wide-range conductivity spectra of a mixed alkali glass system, extending from 10−3  Hz to 1.3 THz. We report on a new mixed alkali effect in the ac conductivity that is evident even if the low-frequency contributions (linked to hopping motions of the mobile cations) are removed from the experimental spectra. From our results we conclude that the nonhopping contributions to the ac conductivity involve both the mobile ions and the glassy network."}],"volume":91,"user_id":"65129","publisher":"American Physical Society","page":"266601","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.266601","author":[{"first_name":"Cornelia","last_name":"Cramer","full_name":"Cramer, Cornelia"},{"full_name":"Brunklaus, Sabine","last_name":"Brunklaus","first_name":"Sabine"},{"full_name":"Gao, Young","last_name":"Gao","first_name":"Young"}],"issue":"26"}