{"status":"public","author":[{"first_name":"María","last_name":"González","full_name":"González, María","id":"76759"},{"last_name":"Schwickert","first_name":"Susanne","id":"27269","full_name":"Schwickert, Susanne"},{"last_name":"Schakib-Ekbatan","first_name":"Karin","full_name":"Schakib-Ekbatan, Karin"}],"type":"conference_speech","citation":{"ieee":"M. González, S. Schwickert, and K. Schakib-Ekbatan, A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe. 2023.","mla":"González, María, et al. A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Though Intelligent Room Heat Management as Low Investment Measure Tested on the District Hall of Lippe. 2023.","bjps":"González M, Schwickert S and Schakib-Ekbatan K (2023) A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Though Intelligent Room Heat Management as Low Investment Measure Tested on the District Hall of Lippe. .","ufg":"González, María/Schwickert, Susanne/Schakib-Ekbatan, Karin: A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe, o. O. 2023.","apa":"González, M., Schwickert, S., & Schakib-Ekbatan, K. (2023). A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe. 8th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS, 2023, Prag.","chicago":"González, María, Susanne Schwickert, and Karin Schakib-Ekbatan. A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Though Intelligent Room Heat Management as Low Investment Measure Tested on the District Hall of Lippe, 2023.","short":"M. González, S. Schwickert, K. Schakib-Ekbatan, A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Though Intelligent Room Heat Management as Low Investment Measure Tested on the District Hall of Lippe, 2023.","havard":"M. González, S. Schwickert, K. Schakib-Ekbatan, A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe, 2023.","chicago-de":"González, María, Susanne Schwickert und Karin Schakib-Ekbatan. 2023. A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe.","van":"González M, Schwickert S, Schakib-Ekbatan K. A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe. 2023.","ama":"González M, Schwickert S, Schakib-Ekbatan K. A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Though Intelligent Room Heat Management as Low Investment Measure Tested on the District Hall of Lippe.; 2023.","din1505-2-1":"González, María ; Schwickert, Susanne ; Schakib-Ekbatan, Karin: A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe, 2023"},"department":[{"_id":"DEP1022"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"A Field Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction though Intelligent Room Heat Management as low investment Measure tested on the District Hall of Lippe","date_updated":"2023-10-13T08:40:14Z","user_id":"83780","date_created":"2023-10-09T10:57:23Z","_id":"10561","year":"2023","project":[{"name":"EnOB: passPART2 ","_id":"B310B790-4885-11ED-9E30-F31A6A372BCF"}],"abstract":[{"text":"The construction of climate-friendly new buildings is not enough to enable greenhouse gas neutrality by the second half of this century. To achieve it, the existing building stock needs to be renovated or retrofitted step by step. This study investigates the impact of a low-investment greenhouse gas emission reduction measure based on intelligent room heat management (IRHM) which is being tested to date on the main administrative building of district Lippe, built in 1979-80, in Germany. This system intends to reduce the energy consumption of further districts’ buildings that, due to the high costs, cannot be intensively renovated in the medium term. IRHM consist in the installation of an intelligent controller that, based on dynamic usage profiles, optimise the operation of the existing heating system. Through presence sensors in the office rooms, the employee’s worktime routine is continually registered to enable the creation of heating patterns that maximize heat comfort during worktime while energy is saved by reducing room temperature when the office is unoccupied. The analysis is based on collected data of heat energy consumption, room climate and user behaviour in five corridors: three with IRHM and two control corridors without it. In both control corridors and two of the IRHM corridors the façade was completely refurbished in 2021 while the remaining one still preserves the original façade to date. Heating demand calculations were conducted to enable a wider exploration of usage scenarios. The results obtained so far, show significantly lower heat consumption in the corridors with IRHM, reaching a maximum of 90% energy consumption reduction compared to the control corridors. An optimized operation of the radiators is clearly recognizable as the system anticipates the employee’s presence and reach the comfort room temperature (set-up temperature) before the beginning of the working time, keeping it while the room in use. It also reacts properly switching down to set-back temperature so far, no presence is detected. According to the heating demand calculations, the implementation of a set-back temperature out of worktime can reduce the energy consumption up to a 48%. Combined with the refurbishment of the façade, the heating demand sinks up to an 87%. Field data shows an even more optimistic perspective, as energy consumption was in average even lower than the calculated demand. The on-site implementation of the IRHM is accompanied by social science research aiming at getting feedback on thermal comfort as well as on employees’ experience with the handling of the intelligent room heat management device. Up to now three online surveys were conducted during heat periods between 2021 and 2023 with 18 to 21 participants from two-person offices. First analyses show that occupants’ satisfaction with temperature changed from a neutral ranking to a slightly positive voting. Room temperature was found to be comfortable as soon as entering the office in the morning. Preferred room temperature shifted over the survey time points from 21°C- 22°C to under 21°C. Further analyses will focus on general energy-relevant attitudes and habits such as windows-door opening.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_status":"published","conference":{"start_date":"2023-09-04","end_date":"2023-09-08","name":"8th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS, 2023","location":"Prag"}}